Happy and lovin it!

so..things have changed alot since ive actucally written in this thing...Um, I have a wounderful boyfriend..Ross..hes such a sweet guy. Sunday will be our one month!.. Im still working at coldwater creek..i dont work at the olive garden..its just two jobs would be to much for me. I have an interview tomrrow at westpark..YAY!!.. for dietary. so im praying i get this job. because first off i'll for sure make more than i have been making. haha..and then i can start looking for apartments..or rent houses..something. and yes..i will have a roomate..because living on my own would be bad. haha!.. but other than that ive been doing really well..im getting my hair done tomrrow..im going back to the old highlights..Yay!..i dont know..i just wanted change.. Umm.., but anyways...thats about it. gotta go!~
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