So....i dont know anymore about guys. i might just give up even trying to have a boyfriend. or whatever. I mean with school and everything...who knows...I mean this summer ive been putting my love life on hold for julius and Ive come to realize I cant just sit around and wait for HIM to come to me. its just the way life is. you cant always get what you want. Yah its not fair. so what. I've been in SO many relationships good/bad. Honestly some were assholes. yeah....i mean ive learned from my mistakes....and ive learned what controlling is....TRUST ME. When me and drew ended the 2 year drama fest..(yeah im calling it that). I realized how much i learned from it. and how much i didnt need that kid of guy. the guy who fucking pulls you away from your own friends....because he thinks that hes the one you should always be with. welp sorry.. IN relationships you should ALWAYS let girlfriend/boyfriend hang out with friends every once in awhile. dont fucking hold them back...its not right...i WOULD know. AND another and heather were talking and i agree 100% on this but Relationships do NOT have to be all about sex. im just doesnt. it would be wrong if it was. because whats the point in having a relationship based on sex?!.. im not saying you shouldnt have sex. hahah. just yah...anyways...haha. you know what i mean. But all im looking for in a guy is humor and the personality. and i want the right guy...but its kinda hard when hes with someone esle...... sad.
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