In all words and honesty

So me and vanessa were talking tonight about "if" she was prego. and i really hope she get to be a godparent. im praying she is. it would be cute.. to have another niece again. yay!.. also me and vanessa were talking about julius.. and how much we.. more me..are missing how we all would hang out. its sad sometimes..because with the new girl in his life. oh-well. but the one thing vanessa said kinda made me think about.. like we were talking about how miss hanging with j and all..then i was like.. i really miss being with him..and she goes.. ya know what.. when me and andy get the new house.. im sure you guys will be over all the time. no matter what. which is true. and also she goes.. which is pretty cute.. to me.. she goes..ya know what you and julius.. will eventualy end up together. im starting to believe it.. i know i keep saying all these things about how i have feelings for brandon, i want him. etc- but in the end. i really want julius in my life. hes my andy and put it that way. basically like.. hes my soul-mate! hahaha.. yah.. ahahahaha. jk. but anyways.. im going to go. write later----
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