Take it for what its worth

Well..me and ross called it quits last week..its been hard for me. i dont know about him..but im getting through it. and I KNOW IT WASNT THE LONGEST DATING..but still he was the one who treated me the way ive always wanted to be treated. anyways, last night me and matt talked and actucally agree with him...he told me that i need to stop looking for mr. right..and let mr. right find me. which is true..im always the one putting myself out there..and i guess its time to swtich that up. anyways, the good news is heather has been great getting me out of the house...shes been helping me..and plus she introduced me to a new guy named matt..hah..hes the cuttest thing. but still im trying to have a good time being single.. if somethings happens with me and matt then great..but its okay if it doesnt because i am still young to be falling in love so fast..love takes time..thats why in the bible it says "Love is paitent, love is kind..love does not envy".. so if you ever need some kind of advice on topics like this..i would say just love yourself first...love god before anything..and stop looking for mr. right.. HE WILL FIND YOU.
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