Its down to the wire

Okay before i go on with my story.. me and Julius.. (Just us) hung out at start bucks for like i dont know how long.. haha. just talking about college,his girlfriend..which he kept not wanting to talk about so,then movies..and everything esle in this world. lol. hes a pistol! lol.. Okay.. well basically last night me and Julius hung out. ( As you can see). While i was hanging with him.. chris was off getting drunk with his friends. Yah. me and julius get done hanging out..and i head over to chris's.. i get there and chris was still a little tipsy.. and was all over me.. kissing me etc-.. and btw..i felt uncomterable(msp..). So then vanessa calls me and tells me.. hey andy doesnt want to take me home or something like that..and so me and chris go pick her up..well..on the way to get vanessa.. chris is like.. " take vanessa home first". and YES im NOT STUPID. i knew what he wanted to do. and so im like.. " No because me and vanessa have to talk about things.." Just trying to get out of it. Fast Foward.. we pick vanessa up.. then go to crhis's to drop him off..and he goes.. me and brittney need to talk.. we'll be right back.. so we went and layed on his trampolean..and kissed..and he kept saying.." do that"... and i got so pissed. i was like.. um, im ready to go. vanessa's in the car.. and his repsonse was.. " so...ur point". So.. that pissed me off even more. and basically left his house crying..pissed. and by the end of the night.. i wrote him a letter saying.. i just want to be friends. and hes cool with that. which im glad. but yeah.. i thought id get this out. anyways.. i'll write more. Bye!
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