Lost in Translation

So tonight was so much fun..i got to help vanessa with her house..meaning painting and everything. I actucally liked it...for some reason! anyways.. we got the bathroom sorta done in her new house. Im just going to be exited for when its actucally done. so i can go over there! lol..FUNTIMES. Anyways..i left vanessa's house and chris coudret(msp???) calls me and asks what im doing tomrrow..and i go " well i have class...then i might go get applacations for a job...then im going to see if vanessa needes any help with her house". and he goes.. " come hang out with me"...and i go whatever..i'll see..but i serioulsy doubt i can. and he still doesnt fucking listen to me. UGH!!!!!!!!! im bored. Goonight!
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