I gotta date!!

haha. vanessa if you read this.. please comment. lol. its so cute. lol. ( its me and matts convo from AIM.) Luckygirl5602: Hey i know your getting ready and all.. but how about we go see a movie on firday. i'll let you know more about it... later. anyways bye! F0XRacing26: ok listen to this F0XRacing26: my friend danielle called me up and said take a girl to see john tucker or something like that its a chick flick so F0XRacing26: but she told me to take a girl to that and watch it with them luckygirl5602: haha. aww.. thats fine. ive been wanting to see that movie anyways. F0XRacing26: alright then we will F0XRacing26: but it mite be sooner then firday F0XRacing26: i will let u know F0XRacing26: later luckygirl5602: Okay. luckygirl5602: ttyl! bye!
Read 1 comments
Aww!! That is so cute... not to mention that the JT movie is hilarious. I've gotta say... I'm already rooting for this kid. He seems great!
