dreams the size of clouds in my coffee

i like to pretend a lot. i never had that fine line drawn in the sand that gave me boundaries. no one said to me that this side was real and this side was make believe, and that you shouldn't spend too much time on the make-believe side, because you may never come back again. and now that i'm a sophisticated seventeen year old girl, and i'm about to be shoved into the real world, i'm dying to be thrown back in to the make-believe side of things. i pretend like we're closer than we actually are. i pretend like what has happened recently hasn't happened at all. i fill our conversations with useless dreams and even more useless fantasies because i'm hoping that if i can string along a chain of events long enough, then i might be able to survive on what doesn't really exist. i'll be able to hop from one magic cloud to the next without ever looking down. it'll be perfect. just like i imagined. there is just one problem. its you. i keep forgetting that you don't believe in pretending. you think it's such a waste of time. you'd rather be sitting in the corner by yourself thinking about the rut your life is stuck in. you don't seem to be going anywhere and you hate that feeling. let me let you in on a little well known secret - everyone hates that feeling. and once upon a time someone once did something to make it so he never had to feel that way again. he created the imagination. but you - you refuse to use the gift you've been given. that's perfectly fine. but don't come to me when you have nothing left and your thoughts are driving you bloody mad. because i'll be busy. busy spinning dreams into clouds like cotton candy. and sure, the life that surrounds me may not be real, but its probably better than the one that lays ahead of you. speaking of you, you should be terrified of what you have to face. the future isn't friendly, especially if you're in it alone - without even your imagination to rely on. i bet the second you step into reality, the second you feel your heart pick up pace, you feel your hands begin to sweat because you have no fucking idea what lies ahead of you, i bet right then you'll really wish you would have listened to that person you met that mumbled something about imagination. you probably wouldn't feel so alone right now.
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& picture's there. JUST FOR YOU. You best love me now.

How's your trip going, btw?
nice diary.
The lies, but thanks nonetheless. I can assure you I almost pass out when I wake up to the look of myself, but it's never good. :P

Did I remember to say last time how much I liked the idea of spinning dreams into clouds like cotton candy. That line was cute.
I like that one, darling. Hits home to me.

Whats wrong? Just a cold or are you catching something ickier? [lol]