Been a while

Listening to: X Janpan - Scars
Feeling: hyper
First off I LOVE japanese metal.Okay here is the lowdown on whats been going on.Kenny and I are doing really good and I get to see him tomorrow(HAPPY)I just wish we knew what we are going to do.Um lets see not a lot as happened,god my life is boring.Oh Kenny and I went to a mall in MI. it was a 3 hour ride with his mom and dad but they are cool so it was all good.I spent so much money its not even funny.I was going to get Kenny a 22 rifle for his birthday but he said he was going to get it himself.He asked me if it was okay with me I told him it was but it does kind of bother me but I want him to be happy so I didn't tell him. She likes to not tell me things for awhile after it has been bothering her. It drives me CRAZY!(Kenny) I got my prom dress its so pretty.Its black and silver and long and low cut okay I will just post a prom pic when I get them.I called a friend of mine that I haven't talked to in years but it was like it had only been a day or two.It was nice to talk to her again.I think thats about it for now. Later days Amber
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UPDATE!!! lol
