Listening to: Skid Row - Wasted Time
Feeling: bruised
Okay I have to get this out.Kenny I miss the way I would feel when I would see you now I feel worried about the next fight we'll have.I miss the look in your eyes I when I would smile at you now sometimes you look away.I miss our play fights now we fight for real alot.I miss not being happy with you all the time and I know a lot of this is my fault and I am trying to fix it the best I can.I know I have stressed you out big time and you know I don't mean to.I wish I could make things better.It's hard cuz I still think you are going to brake up with me even though we talked about it and you said you would because you love me to much.Kenny please just talk to me and tell me what’s wrong and I'll do the same for you.
I love you with everything I am.
god i wish i lived in the US (guess thats where u live?) so much more Anime over there, i have to get all mine imported hehe
god i wish i lived in the US (guess thats where u live?) so much more Anime over there, i have to get all mine imported hehe
Chelsea xoxox