Listening to: SiLENCE
Feeling: amazing
ok here is the list of the people i LOVE: Katherine Ann: thank you for a wonderful night, hosted at your house. i love listening to you laugh for a half an hour straight about absolutely NOTHING. Laura Christine: there is no one i would rather have a whipped cream fight with (not the first time we've done it either) in front of the Ricigliano's house. i very much enjoyed using you as every example in catch phrase and decorating your car! (p.s. playing listen to your heart on the piano almost made me cry, it was beautiful) Rachael Rebecca: you are a silly silly silly silly silly silly kind of girl! you tell AMAZING stories at parties. and you helped me discover that making out is what it's called when a guy asks a girl to marry him. decorating laura's car wasn't half bad either. EMMi: i feel bad. i don't know your middle name. BUT i loved your present. TEd is a hottie. he is my new boyfriend. and don't try to hide your gorgeous homecoming pictures from me! EMIIIIILLLLLLYYYYYY: i'm gonna miss you! like a lot. you are the coolest, funniest, most outspoken german i know. you say what everyone is thinking. and you're not afraid to beat brandon up either. i looooooove you and i wish you didn't have to go back to germany!! Lizzy: umm who else would i rather push me off teh ball? no one but you, that's who. so i had an amazing fall break night with the girls. i love them with all my heart and i don't deserve them because they care for me so much but i will never take you girls for granted! muah* love you all. p.s. i've already taken my shower and i still smell like ucky whipped cream.
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lol it seems I smell no matter what I do...ummm so I'm thinking we're going downtown around 5:00ish or something maybe later. Not sure when we'd get back, but I wasn't sure if Rae's mom was taking care of that or what. Haha. Fall break is amazing.... I love it! I'm so glad we're all good and being our crazy selves again. I love you James Dogg! I'll call you about tonight!
Love ya!
Yeah..I took two showers and I still smell..but hey. its like a scent of the night..or something like that.
i have friends like that too!
i love them so much!
and i know i take them for granted!
i hope life is going well!
Thanks James Dogg. I would love to fall behind with you too. Ugh. I have to work so flippin much this week at Mellow Mushroom since one of the main cashiers quit. Blah! So yeah. Not too happy about that...but I will get next Monday off! Heck yes Halloween will be AMAZING!!!