dont know whether to believe what it is im thinking or if theres something else. its sometimes quite difficult to tell why someone is acting a certain way. why they are being different toward you. you get accustom to how people act and you can predict, well not neccessaryl predict but you just know how they are. then all of a sudden something changes and you cant do anything about it. you dont know why it happened and no one will tell you. one has ones beliefs towards the matter but really doenst know for sure. i dont want to believe what im thinking. that is why im saying this. something happened today... something that made me step back and seriously say to myself, what did i do? something was said that really set me thinking. and well here i am typing...(thinking out loud)... i dont know what happened. all i ask is to know why things changed. my head hurts... ive been
thinking about this for too many going to bed.
unique idea about the bottles numbering thing.
Star James