
Feeling: alright
at home: man i couldnt write yesterday cause i had to come home and study for like 6 hours. then i had to go to my brothers graduation. agh! i have to go to school now ill write more later. *** home: tomorrows my last day of fuckin foothill. im so happy but im going to miss all my homies. wont get to see katlin anymore thats going to be a drag. she probobly gets annoyed that all the guys like her. i remember when i first saw her i was all interested. she was in my math class and i always couldnt wait to go to math cause id get to see her. i use to always stare at her all the time. man im pathetic hahaha. anyways had my last two cigerettes in the box thats aways a bummer now gonna go to the gym and probobly smoke some bud. gots some blueberry flavored bud im all happy.
Read 9 comments
ahaha. study time!
its ANGIE!
actually, i didn't say anything mean. You just weren't listening. And I don't try to talk to you anymore because Melissa said that you hate me and say what a bitch i am all the time. Even though I didn't do anything to you. That's all.
ya well yer a fag. says mark. ok? well i think yer one cool cat. but o well. later bro.
iron maiden kicks serious ass
loser u smoke cigarettes u suck cock if u do ass monkey. not really it doesn't matter to me. i think jenna wants you. so says she in yer yearbook later man.
well in all honesty have you ever even had a real, conversation with kaytlin? okay ill stop being a bitch now.
dude, i need to cry on yer shoulder tomarrow........ sara said no!!!!!!!
hey dude. i love you, and we will practice again. But you have to come sometime, man. Don't ditch the band for not practicing if you cant come. Your part of the band, and if we need to put it on hold a bit so you can get on your parents good sides, its cool.