fuck it

Listening to: malcom in the middle
Feeling: eh
i lost a friend today for something i didnt do. but hey if the person wants to end a friend ship for something i didnt do then i guess we were never true friends. no lost on my part. they lost my friend ship for no reason. eh i wont loose sleep over it. everyone check out the website. its fixed. comment me about it. www.theproles.cjb.net
Read 5 comments
its their loss dude.
hahahaha ya. no no no....anthony = faggot!
anthony you even told me that you couldn't be yourself around me. what kind of friendship is that? and i know you wrote that. i used to consider you one of my favorite people...
damn that sucks...well hope everything works out and stuff, uhhh well thats all
later lover hahaha