warp tour

Feeling: beat
went to warp tour yesterday after summer school. i went to go see the casualties and anti-flag. to my dismay i came too late for anti-flag. but i saw bad religion, im not that into them they sound kind emo to me. the casualties were fuckin good. kayci got half of the casualties army flag haha! before i was the casualties i went to see taking back sunday (an emo band); the whole time i was there i was thinkin "what the fuck am i doin here?" i felt like such a fag, but i was bored. it was cool cause i saw alot of my friends there. i saw katlin (shes fuckin gorgeous), joaquin, kayci (shes still fuckin hot), KC, anna, ellyse, melissa, jessica, khalala, lindsey, christine, benji, patrick, luke, and other people. i almost got in a fight with some little fuck who gave me the hitler sulute. but he pussed out. what a fuckin loser. anyways i got thrashed in the pits. croud surfing was really fun, but i feel bad cause i kicked alot of people in the heads. me and KC when croud surfing in the bad religion pits it was so awsome. by the end of the day i was all wet with sweat and buised. but i had an awsome time. well it fuckin sucks cause it seems like all the extremely beautiful girls arent into me so that really bums me out. seems like everyones gettin some but me. all the hot girls just see me as a friend.
Read 10 comments
Yea, thats me.
yea i guess. i dont really like the casualties though.
pssht, that casualties army thing is such a rip off from the kiss army.
yeah i went tbs, those emo kids are fucking pushy, my shoe got lost but i found it, so then i left after the aquabats and got new shoes:)

love ya
yeah that's her.
that was some fun. Im glad I ran into you.
if u hate therese leave a comment on my diary
i heard the casualties sucked cuz all they played was shit from "on the frontline".i hate that shit.they did that in LA too,it was depressing.im hungry.
Dude, I didn't get to go...but I get to see Slayer, Priest, and Sabbath at Ozzfest. Hey, you're not the only one not getting any action..haha
you men are so shallow,i love it.