Listening to: tv
Feeling: hopeful
Hating my mom for more reasons than one. but i can't. i am already over it, but im not. anyway, she keeps talking about a new dog, it hurts me more than she knows. i don't think she even cares. she misses having someone who was always by her side. I miss it more than ever. but i don't want something new, i don't want to have to start all over again. its hard to move on. god i am so friggin pathetic.
just watched troy. that is an amazing movie. i almost cried, but didn't. it was waaaaaay better than i thought it be. and a lot like the epic. the ending was so saaaaad. but cool. but my fav movie will always be finding nemo.
I love snow days. they are the most relaxing days EVER! well, except for summer. i can't wait til summer. good golly, i always am missing or waiting for another time, but when i'll get there i will miss these days. Well maybe not particularly these days. you know what i mean. ugh.
i have to go sleeeep!
*hey that rhymes..*