Fuck President Bush

The President has Pissed off the Mexican community by doing the following 1.Taken away barbacoa,tripas(used to make menudo), 2."All points of Entry"bullshit.where south of the border where International flights come in People will be Fingerprinted and Photographed everytime the come in and leave and during their flight they have to fill out a form called I-94!!! Fuck him!canadians and Europeans are excluded!!! 3.Then theres Illegal citizens here.For them to turn themselves in to get a temporary visa then they can apply for permanent citizenship!!more shit! My Thesis :Bush is a rascist fucker and a dumbass. Cant wait for the upcomming election I wont be voting for that fucker that's for sure neither will the Mexican community
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Hmm, well, I don't really have much input on this seeing as I don't know anything about current affairs (I'm stupid, mm'kay?) plus I can't really rant about Bush that much 'cause I'm, well, I'm not American for a start and although obviously what he does effects me it doesn't that much...am I making sense here?
Maybe not.
"Der wilst Zur Mach"
this isnt a proper sentence
it could be 'Der Wille zur Macht' what means 'volition of force', 'volition to rule' or 'the wanting for power'
be well there :)
I hate bush, never liked him o_O Never really liked any of them! But thankies for the comment mhm.. I'll be online until we can't afford that either!
of course not :) im the sweetest person you'll ever meet.
Thanks. I think it is a tulip, yes.
hey this is lonerwolf, i made a new diary, called now standalone...i ve always hated president bush, hes such a idiot.