So this is my sister- can you believe that?!? 19 years age difference- by the same parents! (can we say "ooppsy?")
But she is the best thing that has ever happened to me- er, us. (I have to keep reminding myself that she is not mine.)
I miss her so much.
I also miss englishsongbird, but she seems to be ignoring me. *sigh*
This thing is too adictive. I was going to get up and do homework today. Well, I did that first part (8am baby!) but the latter hasn't really happened yet...
Hey ash, yesterday someone said "More Better" in the rat.
So go into your image gallery and rename whatever picture you want up there to 'top_left.jpg' [or .gif if it's a .gif file]. YOU HAVE TO POST PICTURES OF Y'ALL!!!!!!!!
Yes, I got y'all's package. It was great. But I've been so busy and tired I haven't had time to even put the pictures on CD's for y'all for the return package.
Moe, your sister's soooooooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuute!!!!
How was Charity Week?
Aw, Charity Week...