8am 12-27-05

New record! 8am and not only is all my side work done, but all my checkouts have left. That means 7 hours of-NOTHING. Yes, yes, this may sound interesting, if not fabuloso because I'm getting paid too much for goofing off. However, I tell you, 7 hours standing behind a desk that is 6 inches too short in a uniform that makes one look like a penguin who fell into a tank of blue water with internet acess that blocks 50% of all sites (including facebook-damn it!)- 7 hours becomes veeeeeeeeeeery long. I told bill, the maintainence guy to give me something to do. but alas, this is what you get when you are at 18%. I think Jeremy and I had our best make-out session yet on Christmas. Un regalo dilicioso! He's suppose to be looking for an apartment today. Kinda hard over the phone tho. Either the person answering the phones has a stick up their butt and doesn't want any customers or-no, I think that's how all of them have been thus far. There is one in particular that we found on the internet last night. 275 a month! it's a 4-room carriage house, on the land lord's property. (the last 5 words confused Jeremy- not sure why) anywho, that saga is to be continued. Ash, I'm still planning on the 9th (or maybe 10th-I'm flexible that week-just let me know what you can do at your hotel). Ah, Lucy was my best friend for the first two days I was home. Only I was allowed to put her in and take her out of her carseat (even though she insisted on sitting in my lap instead of the carseat), I was the one who she made fill her water glass (a great and selective honor, let me tell you), we put on 'lickguhloss' (lip gloss) together after every meal/snack, and she cried when I said 'bye-bye' at one point (playing hide and seek) and said 'No! kimmy no go bye bye!' my heart melted, let me tell you. but by the third day I was old news and she was too busy watching telletubbies to give me a hug and kiss goodbye. (I tried to convince myself that she thought if she didn't give them to me I wouldn't go, but after I left the room with all my bags and waved and she grinned and turned back to sucking her fingers and watching tv, I knew I was no longer number 1). But she has full 30 second conversations with me on the phone now and I can understand her much better now that I got the hang of her lingo. You know, I could study my hebrew so I don't forget it all when the semester starts...oh, darn, forgot it all at home. here comes bill, maybe he has something for me to do... nope. well, I'll just read and get a kink in my neck from looking down on the 6-in too short desk. 'The Secret Life of a Knitter--Yarn Harlot'-- I highly recommend it. especially if you knit.
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in san antonio
intresting people there
way bigger city im used to



what you studing in dallas