so, went to buy Jeremy the 'Firefly' series and splurged on the first season of 'Doogie Howser'. I really meant to save the money I had intended for my oil change, but when the machanic told me I really didn't need one since I'd only driven 800 miles since my last, my subconscious money demon came to life and I splurged. damn it. I should have bought his gift beFORE I got the oil changed.
there is a song by dean martin 'money burns a hole in my pocket'... I was looking at the series' lined up (I knew I should have left after I found firefly) and the song started repeating in my head. when the song starts, the demon has taken control.
but doogie howser is totally worth it. I was so young when it was on the air. hmmm... I distinctly remember him being a lot older, cuter, and having a deeper voice. (I'm trying to convince myself that I had watched the later series when he was 19/20)
Actually, he looks and talks exactly like this kid I babysat for 10 years. I've watched 5 episodes and still can't get over it.
Man, vinnie was obsessed with sex. I'm suprised they aired that kind of character in the 80's.
So I'm working until 11 tonight and then heading for houston. Hope to get in before 2am. gonna listen to 'enchantment' by orson scott card. my brother raved about it.
so the other day when I had 7 hours to do nothing (not that day, the other one) I did some calculating and Jeremy and I will have to wait 2.5 years before we can have kids after we get married (to pay off all of our debt). He'll be 29 and I'll be 27. kinda later than I have always dreamed, but hey--I was thinking- 2 or 3 years to just goof off with my husband? I can wait for kids!
mmm...husband...I can't wait to call him that.
ooo- he officially graduated! 3.0 this semester.
I couldn't help myself and had to top him with my 3.6, but I'm trying not to rub it in...too hard.
but come on, I was working 30 hours and taking 16 hours and he wasn't working and taking 12. I get bragging rights, right?
oo! I just got these. This summer, at the inn I worked at, at least twice a day either I or christie were asked if we were twins.

I don't know...

I'm not seeing the resemblance.
I think it was a combination of uniforms and the oldness of all the customers (bad eye sight)
and then occasionally bailey joined us. The three of us working a banquet together got a lot of double/tripple looks.

quite a few times a guest would get angry at one of us b/c he had just asked another one of us to get him a drink and he saw 'his waitress' doing other things.
anyone else think we look alike? I'm really interested in a young stranger's opinion.
a guest just told me I have very pretty eyes.
if I was only 10 years older and wasn't already in love....
I like your diary color scheme. Pretty sweet.