its freakin john lange here. my life isnt that great right now. first of all ive tried to write this thingy like 4 times and it hasnt saved and my computer restarts its kinda pissin me off. then everything keeps finding a way with touchin my leg and that really pisses me off. no one comments me and that doesnt piss me off but it tells me that im a loser and then u all say im not a loser. and then to put the cherry on top i try to be nice to people but they keep stabbin me in the back so fuck it if u can go without stabbing me then i will want to talk to u no matter who u r. no matter what u look like or sound like or act like. oh well it doesnt matter cause if it takes one person to suffer for everyone to live like kings and queens then i should take the punishment cause im not going to need to ever feel like a king cause i will just end up assainated. im down with punishment cause i love pain but it needs to come all at once cause sometimes i sleep and it hits me then. then for some reason i want to just kill it all and never feel again.
umm nutten much happen in my life latly i mean not nutten that i have not wrote in my about u?
love alwayz amba