Listening to: none
Feeling: homesick
some way wonder why i'm feeling homesick when i'm sitting in my house writing this. i am because i'm missing my second home. my girlfriends house. i know she feels so desperate to be out of there but i would love to be there with her right now. i'd like to be with her anyway. well, another day is nearing it's end and i'm feeling quite happy because i got to see her today. ah, fun stuff. we're just so messed up when we're together, we played fucking Go Fish and Chutes and Ladders. wow....wierd stuff, but that's okay because we love each other.
a lot of people have said i've changed. so.....if you're saying it's a bad thing, fuck you. if you're saying you like the new me, well then cool because it's going to stay that way as long as i'm with my love. so, if you don't like the change you can burn in hell because i could care less because everything else has given up on me so i've given up on everything else. but i have her, and that's what counts.
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