Everything on my mind

Im really confuesed.. Oh k here it is, right now im sure Hayden likes me, nd he wanted to see me when hes down but now im having second thoughts.. I dont know if i will be attracted to him again as i use to be.. I dont know what to do coz i said so much to him last nite nad he said he missed me 2 and that he wants to c me when he comes down.. A girl died in 1933 by a homicide murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded.
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Yeah.. Im really scared about it.. But Trying to blow it of.. he even threatened to Kill My Friend Johnel. Because he wanted her Boyfriend, who doesnt even live in florida.

I did use protection. everytime.. They're probably panting Madly in the garbage Cause of their use..

haha some other kid had that on his diary too. silly kids.
oh i am!!! haha

you have fun too

you're mate?? hmmm... why can't you have fun?