I tried talknig to Ailis.. She hates me so bad. She cant see whr im cumin from. She cant see that i tried to help her by telling Daniel to fck off. She cant undastand dat Daniels aid she to me too. She doesnt unda stand dat i havnt been as there for her as much is because i have a lot of my own shit on. She started not talking to me, neva askd me if i was alright, comptly ignored me. What am i suppost to do ? Giv her all my full attention !?
Argh i cant take it. Life its all pointless in the end. Why get hurt so many times in a shit lyf when we can just start it all ova again. Why not people. Fckin i always thought there wa that 1 bit of hope for me, all my mates pulling me for it. no not this time. There isnt nething. Nothing to be happy about. Nothing pullnig me along. No1 helping thro my shit
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