I want to drown my sorrows in water but laziness got the best of me. I feel the need to cut all my hair off but I can't bring myself to do it. I want to tell people that I am not to fond of to leave me alone but I am too scared. I wish my regular facial expression wasn't "Hi, I hate the world". It bothers me so much. I wish I looked the way I wanted to. I want the world to go back to the perfect way it use to be 2 months ago.
I feel the need to scream at something not someone. And not out of anger, just scream.
I don't want to throw objects across the room to my alarm in the a.m. I am not ready to get ready.
For the 12th time in my pathetic life I have done this routine over and over again. Strive to get the grades that I never can get. I am an averge person and I loathe it to death. Take courses that mean so little to me. I wish they would give my list of what I need to know and let me be. But sadly life is not that simple so why should school be? I just want for once in this world for something to be simple. Not this one giant problem that I have to spend half of my life trying to figure out.
I dislike the excuse "we are preparing you for the real world." I don't think in the real world that they want to know what the square root of 34,355 is. If they do I will kick them and tell them to get a life. Sometimes, I wonder if it is worth it.
I mean there is more to school then the books and letters on paper. There are peers and the pressure they bring. The drama of the human nature. But there is also clubs that certain colleges want you to be in. And some clubs want you to do community service in order to join. As if going to school and work, having homework, projects due, chores, and that whole trying be a normal teenage and having friends isn't enough.. let's go out and do community work. I will schedule that between sleeping and waking up.
Oh this world is a battle and no one is winning. Not even the world.
the world is full of shit but we just can't seem to make it go away...we're just living in it...
Love, Sarah