I Love Him.

Well Today was fun. In science class, I sit beside this guy that I really really like him. He knows it.. Sometimes, I think he likes me to, so I'll feel really special, and even if I tell him somethign really stupid about myself, he makes me feel great. I really like him, because when something is bothering me, he gets me to tell him, and some how he makes it all better for me. LIke this one guy always insults me when I walk down the halls, and call's me things im not.. and he said that if he ever heard him saying that to me, he'd set him straight. Every Day. I think about him when I wake up, when Im going sleep, when im dreaming, and during my classes. I feel like I am living off of him. So now my closest friend out here, is helping me to talk to him more at school. So far it has been working.. He's been wanting to talk to me more then before. Now. he wants to HANGOUT with me! *sigh* I like him so much.. I dont know what I'd do without him..
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