
What are friends? When I was growing up, I had always thought friends ment..someone who has your back, and they'll always listen, they'll make you feel better when you're down, they'll make you want to piss yourself because you're laughing to hard, and they'll always tell you the truth, and thats just some reasons ... basically over all friends will always be there for you. The good and the Bad. What happens when one gets jealous? Every little secret you ever told them, becomes the school latest gosip. Then the lies. They'll talk behind your back, and act diffrently towards you, when ever their friends are around. If everyone is truely friends with someone, then they'll love eachother for their whole life, no matter what. They'll support you through evrything, and if not, they'll try to get an understanding about it. My best friends name is Steph, and we've known eachother our whole lives..basically, since we were 3.. so ever since we started talking, we have been friends. We have gone through the thick, and thin together, and in the end, we're always there for eachother. I can concider her as my sibling. friend. and my best friend for my whole life. I feel like we have grown on eachother. I miss it a lot, and I wish I got to see her a lot more then I do...
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i really like your diary, it's pretty
My best friend and i don't see each other as often either, we're real staunch Tom-Boys i'd like to say, but we've suddenly found it funny to say "I love you, you're my best friend" but also kinda mean it too.

It's strange.
Our jobs, and boyfriends have cut our time down dramatically. But we survive.

I love you Jennie :-)

We'll be friends forever. I promise.
hey i lost touch with my best friend wen i moved it really sucks i guess its kind of the same thing exept the stabbing you in the back part