(4) Hockey Starts

Okay Last night I went to Tais to watch the hockey game. Toronto had lost. Okay well the night was beautiful. I loved it. His mom is halarious, she was doing the laundry and watch tai to put his laundry so she kept showing us his undies, just for the fact of him going to do it. I found it QUITE funny. He that it was scaring him for life. I had lots of fun.. we were all cuddling and watching the game.. and then he just brings up two girls that like him... I didn't like it at all so I left the couch we were at and sat at another one. and I cheered for Ottowa. I kinda thought he got the point... but I donno. Today he seemed as if nothing even happened. There was me.. expectign to get asked out.. and he starts talkign about OTHER girls.. like... wtf? Well I donno Justine tried to get him to say sorry to me, because she started bitching at him during spare, and apparently she even hit him too.. but even still he couldn't remember "im sorry" so she basically fed him the words right in front of me.. and he was just like Im sorry......."pss justine, why am i sorry?" so i basically just got a LittLe annoyed... but w/e... I guess he can be a dick sometimes...
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