Eating Disorders.

In English... like 2-3 weeks ago, Mr. Grafton (my english teacher) had assigned us to write a research paper. I chose to do it on Anorexia and Bulimia. When I was reading some of the books, I couldn't help but think how stupid those people are.. like people have been doing this since the Middle Ages, and even before then..except, They didn't want big thighs, and now everyone doesn't want a tummy. Honestly.. What is wrong with fat? like come on. People think that Thin, and big Boobs, its beauty... but its not. Beauty is everything that is on the inside. not on the out. Some guys can really piss me off, because like really... for most guys if she looks hot, then most likely she's going to get attention.. yet she can be a complete bitch! and then this normal 'Girl Next door' kinda thing, can be perfect, and so sweet, but no one will know, becuase she isn't 'beautiful' I think the there beauty is starting to loose its true meaning.. I have to go, but I will write more later..
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i disagree. If my girlfriend gained 200 pounds id be so pissed. I want my gf healthy not too skinny or obease. Make any sense? Im sorry but i dont think fat people are attracktive. thats just me. there are guys out there who think fat chicks are hot.. but yeah im not one of them.
fat people can be beautiful. Maybe not to Cosmopolitan. But take Sam for example, she doesn't know how many boyfriends she's had and she is so pretty, she looks good in everything, and she's heavy. She is totally inspirational. She can be what she wants and be beautiful.

I think for a fat chick, I'm not that ugly. I have nice hair, nice eyes, and an awesome ass. What can I say? I'm big and beautiful and buddah buh buh bahhh I'm lovin' it!
I totally agree! what really pisses me off is when guys call you fat just to bug you... like someone I know... he calls me fat all the time... but other guys tell me im not.. at all... so thatds why i have low selfesteem... guys can be so cruel.. but i am realizing now that i am not fat.. and i think that i am pretty so it is all good!:) ill talk to you later babe!
sweety, the love I have will never die. I know that it won't. I know what I have is true. and yes you of course you know what it's like to like someone a lot, but that's more like what I had with kenny. Frigger.
"Thin isn't in" I'm thin and it sickens me. Bones so sharp they could cut into someone is not sexy. I have a nice body but I'd love some damn meat on my body. And my ass is so small.--
i hate anorexia i think that people who fall to it must be utterly stupid. im not fat but neither am i some skinny twig im just me. cool pic by the way