
At least every week I get another bruse. It is like I'm a little girl again.. and I can't even do anything about it, except for telling my mom, and my best friend. I have told my mom about what he does to me, but she doesn't do anything. All she says is "why is he touching you?" I hate it how he raises is voice at me, and how hard he hits. I hate it how we can never get threw one conversation with out him getting mad, and loosing his patience towards me. Last night, I went for a walk with my mom, and I told her how I think he is going to become a rapist, or an abuser... just like my dad. I told her everything on how I felt. Sometimes, I think my mom is scared of him... Like just the way she'll look at him when he hit's me.. It looks like she gets a visual of ...him He was hitting me, because he couldn't find his batteries... yet they were left on the floor, and he had put clothes over top of them. Like, I don't know if he's to lazy, or if he just has a passion for hitting me. I think he needs help. I'm scared for if he ever gets to have a baby. Will he abuse her? Will he follow in his footsteps?
Read 2 comments
Hey,I saw you read my diary,and thanks for the comment.Teddy did and always does do great.I read your diary when I got here,and I know it's absolutely none of my business,but I hope things work out for you,and reading your entry made me feel very worried for you.Can't help it,I'm a Mom.If you need to talk,comment me.I'm a Great listener!
you need to call the cops or tell a councler. he need to get help wile he still can. you cant let a man like him get away with this. you have to. its very dangerous if you dont. trust me.