
I think courage it a great thing to have. Espically if you have a friend that is scared or shy a lot, because the one that is brave can stick up for the others. I think that I was more brave when I was little, because of what I went through...and now, Im scared to go infromt of the class for a 30 second speach. I think I lost my bravery when I move here, because.. I was scared that I wouldn't fit in..and I was like a loner for the first couple of days. The first day was the worst. Not only was I sick, I didn't know anyone. I felt like I was a retarded person that no one wanted to talk to... I am glad that I met Justine. She has helped me through most of my issues, and problems here. She reminds me of Steph back home, because she was always there for me.. because of these two gals, I feel really loved, and I have been able to be very open with my friends more. If I was never as close to my friends as I am now, I honestlywould be a VERY shy little girl, whom would probably be still in ballet, waiting for that tutu!
Read 5 comments
I want a friggen tutu! God damnit!
awww! That's sooo cuuute!

I got the code for the different color around the entries :

#entry_table {border:8px solid;border-color:color here}

Just get rid of the spaces before style
yea if you were tight n shit with matt, he wouldn't be half as ugly.

Awww... that picture is so cute. With the thing holding the grass. Which site did you get it from???

Very awesome.