It gave me hope.

Last night I had a dream, that made me happy. It made me have hope, butterfly's, and it got me out of my horrible mood. it is what i needed so Im going to share it with others. My dream involed.. Cassie, Richard, Heather (my mom), Me, and Braden. I dont remember much, but let me try to put it all down... Ok, my class and I were on a feild trip, and we went to this place where we had to take a plain. My mom was the teacher, and everyone thought she was awesome. Since my mom is so cool like that everyone had to ahve partners, and she put Braden and I together, and Cassie and Richard. On the flight to where ever we were going, Braden and I really opened up, and got close. Cassie asked richard out once again, and she was rejected once again. you could tell that richard really had the hots for someone else. I remember that Braden and I got to stay in this awesome hotel together, and we slept right beside eachother, and I couldn't fall asleep, because braden was so close to the next day braden and I went out to get icecream, and I had noticed there was something diffrent about him. He had the choice to change partners, but he didn't he stayed with me. when I was having a battle between my icecream choices, he just leaned over and kissed me. When I looked into his eyes, it looked so gorgous, something that I couldn't be mad at or even sad. he lit me up, and all I could to was kiss him back. ever since then, when we had went shopping, or cruiseing in his sexy camaro, we were always holding hands, or atleast touching eachother. For cassie and richard.. They were finally broken up, and cassie became this big slut, and slept with Jason Gurtz (some guy from Joesph Teres)... and Richard got to be with some lovely brunette. before I knew it It was time to leave this wonderful place. except the problem was I had lost the beautiful neckalace that He had bought me. I couldn't leave without it. So my mother and I were looking for it while everyone was on the plane ready to leave. My mom knew how much the neckalace ment to me, so she told the piolet to take them back to school, and My mother and I would catch the next flight. The last words I heard were "I love you, and I can't leave without you!" and I could see him running back to me. when I woke up. I had waken up with the beautiful sun, a happy mood, and with a brighter smile.
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