(5) Faber

Oh MAn!! The concert was great.. I missed out on my last class to go early, and it payed off. I got to get hugs from the whole Hedley band, and the Faber band.. and to top it of, I got to kiss Tom. He plays Bass, and hes like the background singer or what not.. It was crazy.. Hes my secret crush. I think the night was the coolest thing is the world.. I just couldn't stop thinking about Tai.. I couldn't help but think of him during the songs, the wait, and the hugs and kisses. It would have been beyond perfect if he was there. Grr, I like him so much.. I really dont know what I would do without him.. I think im going to e-mail him.. Usually we always write little e-mails.. I love his e-mails...well honestly.. I just love him.
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