(8) Almost

Right now, he thinks im inbed sleeping. but I can't. Tonight, I thought he was planning on breaking up with me over being confused. He told me "Before I never knew why a guy would ever break up with their girlfriends because they wouldn't put out. but you know what, we do have needs." Those weren't his exact words, and he told me it over msn, but it litrilay made me start balling. I really thought he was planning on calling us off, because I wouldn't give bobs. Wow, my hands are shaking just typing that. I honestly was horney tonight, but I was tired, and just wanted to relax..I didn't know that all of this would happen because of the amount of action that went on tonight. he says that he thinks I want to have a "friendship relationship" Yes and no. I want to be friends with the guy, and when im older, pretty much even now, I consider him my best friend. I tell him everything. I just haven't told him I consider him my best friend. not only do I want love from him, but I also want a friend... what if he just wants love? what if since we had sex, hes going to want it all the time? now im really scared.. I dont want to loose him.
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