
since i haven't written in weeks, i figured it was time for another update. sorry i don't keep up with this diary as much as i should, i just never feel motivated to share my feelings with the world. i guess to some extent, i'm a bit of a private person and don't like to get personal with people. that can either be a good quality or a bad one. bad to the sense, that i let everything build up inside of me to the point of self-destruction. so yea, i'm not making sense, but what else is new. a lot of my friends are gone this week, on vacation mainly. some to the beach, others to the mountains, etc. and then there's me and my family - at home, no vacation - as usual. i'm not complaining...well not completely. i guess i'm jealous honestly. sometimes i wish we had what others did. but i understand my mom is busy with work, my dad is busy with life i guess, and my brother doesn't seem to care to be involved in this family. then there's me the 15 year old, with no license or money or power..therefore no vacation. i'm being selfish and i'm whining i know. i apologze, i really don't mean to. God placed me with my family and with the people He did for a reason, i believe. i don't fully understand it at times, but i guess i'm not suppose to. not yet. i'm just suppose to trust Him, and i do. He put me here, to prepare me for something i think - i just haven't figured out what that something is. i've learned a lot being in the family i have though, and He's still teaching me and molding me. lately, i've had this weird feeling. i can't explain it, but it makes me want to cry - but when i do cry, i never know why. a friend of mine is going through the same thing, and she said something like "i think God is trying to show us something" but what? i'm just feeling broken. i don't know. it's weird. anyway i'm going to go, and i'll probably update again this week because i'll have a lot of time since my best friend is out of town. sorry for this entry, i'm not upset or anything - i'm rather happy actually. it's just weird. anyway, have an awesome week and God bless you!
Read 14 comments
hey hun....i know how ya feel....i dont have that "relationship" with my family that i wish i did. well hey have an awesome week!god bless!

i hope you are feeling okay. i should get a diary huh? hahaha. but feel better. i'll pray.

im sorry. i hope stuff gets better for you.
Hang in there! I've been feeling the same way (about feeling like God is trying to tell me something.) That's part of the reason I want to go to revival. It's always so awesome and I know that I would really get closer to Him. Anyways, I will pray for you!
It's people like you that give me hope... people that actually take God seriously and have a true understanding of Him. So few of us left....
so yah... i like your sign in name :)

Hey cool you're back, I was wonderin when you were gonna drop a coconut >smiles< I like your diary cuz when i'm depressed I read about god and then I remember again that with god everything will turn out ok ^_^
:o) Thanks for your comment. I feel special. Hehe.

God bless you, too.


thanks for the note.
Hey. How's it going?

just thought id say hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey...can i ask you a favor? i need all the prayers i can get, because for the past 2 months, i have fallen way far from god, and it feels like there is no way for me to be close to him again. to be honest, i dont even feel that he hears me when i pray. its the worst feeling ive ever had and it sucks. its like i want to be "all for him" but no matter what i do, i dont even come close to what i used to feel when id go to church..plz pray for me
Ill chack out that book! Thanx so much!
hhheeeeyyyy i know some times i wounder y god put me here wit this family and things like that but i juss thought theres got to be a reason so juss wait 4 it!!! come and give me advice on my diary entry !!!! thanx