no tears fall, but i do cry

i'm so effing messed up. and in the following list i shall detail why. one) i have become attracted to my ex boyfriend that i didn't like at first two) i flirt obnoxiously with said ex three) he flirts obnoxiously back damnit! and he doesn't even like me! four)i am attracted to my CLOSEST guy friend.. for the 3rd or fouth time this year. five) i am being yelled at for not studying for history
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sweetheart...i'm sure that you did well on the history final, it was a sinch!
i love u rachel
howd ya kno he doesnt like u?
wow, Rachel. That sucks...gosh, I'm so comforting!! luv ya, babe!
omg! lp! u comment! *happiness*
i will post again soonish