
Feeling: bummed
ok, so on march 5th, exactly one day after i was dumped, i met this guy in my duo rounds. and i was thinking "wow, he's pretty cool, and cute to boot!" all the while, the whole day long, my friend kasey was saying to me "you need to meet my friend ****, he's such a good guy!" (as of course, when a friend gets dumped, one tries to immediately set said friend up with the nearest person of the opposite sex... no exceptions) well low and behold, after i decide i could very much like the guy from duo, he turns out to be ****. weird, huh? so i keep thinking, yeah, i'll never really see him again, and nothing will happen. but then i saw him, a whole 3 days later... and he acted as if he didn't even know me, or at least seemed that way. so then about a week or so later, my duo partner and i were talking about boys, and she apparently knows **** too, and she warned me against him because he's a, and i quote, "player." so i have him off the brain. but as soon as state rolls around, i have **** on the brain, and i see him, and he smiles at me, and talks to me, and wrapped his arm around me (for a picture granted, but still) and i was just in this elated state of a male paying attention to me. and the whole day, every time we would make eye-contact, he would do that masculine pointing-index-finger greeting… which i still find odd…but boys will be boys. so i make a big flub this morning. a guy friend of mine starts talking about his **** from op, and low and behold ITS HIM! and so i start inquiring for number, contact info, etc. *dramatic pause*in front of my rather freshly ex-boyfriend. probably not the best idea, but i don't care. so i, today too, had **** on the brain, and i inquired after him from kasey at lunch, and learned that he was... somewhat less than pure. and i dont' know, i might just have issues with my own purity, but i really do not believe i will be able to date (that's it in its most extreme form i guess.. but an appropriate infinitive is not available at this time) a guy that much more... experienced than me, espically since i really don't believe that i will do that before i'm married, because i won't be ready and i shouldn't be ready. but yet, i still have this desire to get to know him better--in a total non-sexual means-- and maybe, see what's really there, behind the rumors, thoughts, and truths.
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i dated a guy before that wasn't "pure" at all and he was a, i guess you could say, player. and the reason i dated him was because i thought i could get the know how he really was and stuff. but while i was going out with him, i kept feeling pressured to do things that i would never want to do yet (sexual things) and i regret dating him. i also felt very inexperienced. but if you really feel like you should give this guy a shot, go for it ^_^
RPPP!!!!! you gotsta tell me bout this guy!!

see ya in math!! love you