the reason i have to live (courtsey of jenn)

Feeling: insignificant
(the music is just what i'm listening to.. not related to the entry) My family that i have been baby-sitting for for 2.5-3 years is moving. To Ohio. I am going to miss these kids so much. I know the first time i baby-sat nicole.. i was about to pull my hair out. but i've come to love that talkative little girl, and i love her so much.And her little brother, steve, i know he doesn't like me much at his age because i'm not his mommy...but that little boy was the real thing that made me want kids. the feeling i had when i was cradling him in my arms and rocking him or feeding him... it made me wish i was older and married and able to have kids. Those two kids have made me ready, have prepared me for parenthood.. almost. They are the greatest thing i have ever had in my life. You can't stay angry at children. When a little kid hugs you... or give you a hug, or just screams out your name and runs up to hug you because they love you that much, it's the most wonderful feeling in the world. You feel like you really matter... you feel like you are really loved... because kids, if you care for them, they will love you, no matter your size, or moods or anything else that everyone else judges you for. they will love you just as you are. I've never really realized what these children have done for me. They have given me something they can ever realize. They have given me inspiration: to love, to live, to grow, to be a better person. I also want to thank jenn for posting an entry about this also, because she kinda lead me to wrap all these feelings up into one compact entry. And i'm crying.
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Well, thanks, now I'm crying too. lol I know exactly what you mean. My mom has a friend (and that friend's sister). Together they have 8 kids, but only four are very young. Those four CLING to me like none other, and I don't know what I'd do without them because they are, truly, an inspiration for living. *hugs* Hang in there honey, I know you'll make it. Besides, CALL THEM. lol