explaination for those who care.

Feeling: tenacious
ok, here's the background the guy i've been mentioning. i have liked him from may to about... well i guess now. On September 1st, my genius friends told him.. which freaked me out totally. but he didn't act on it. but i never really got over him. because i was hopeful. On november 12th, i got up the courage to ask him to my school's winter formal. and he said yes. which was unexpected. for the past few weeks, it seems that he's actually like... honestly flirting with me. one of my closest friends, steffany, thinks that he likes me. we've been emailing each other a LOT in the past week. and he actually called me nice. i'm just really not sure what his deal is. In other news, on november 13th (yes, the very day after i asked the formal guy) i spent a whole bus ride flirting and cuddling with a DIFFERENT guy, who i also liked then and do now (except not as much as the first guy). so for the past few weeks he and i have been in a sort of psuedo relationshipy thing. except not. but we are going on a date ( or at least i think it is a date) tomorrow. so we're not TECHNICALLY a couple, but we kinda are. so now i'm in a pickle. what's worse, guy number one has now just joined speech, one of my few extra curricular activites, which is where i met guy number two last year. so i will now not only have them in my classes, at lunch, and after school, but they will now both be in speech. dandy, just dandy. and katie if you read this, i hope it helps.
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