the ups and downs of friendship

Listening to: none
Feeling: tickled
i think i've begun to hate one of the people i think of as my best friend. so, i was just thinking about how last night, she kept all topics on her. And everything was about her. for such a long time last year, she gave me so much SHIT because i always ended up talking about my life. And i realize that... she always seems to think she knows everything. And that she's always right. And that i can't survive without her advice. And I've just become so sick of her deciding what's right. I (stupidly) posted an entry on mindsay talking about my babysitting horror. And instead of being supportive and helpful, she says to tie them to chairs and light firecrackers under them. She, by telling opinions that others have apparenlty shared, always makes herself look better. I can no longer tell her anything. She always makes me feel bad about myself. That i did something wrong. She called me yesterday and asked what i was doing (i assume to have me over or something) and i actually told her what i was doing (going to see the review that elite put on) and even though she has her driver's license, and there are 4 vehicles in her family, she asks if WE can give her a ride there. maybe i just feel claustrophobic in this friendship, because i really don't have any room for myself. Any problem i have, always is related back to something that happened to her. i guess i have outgrown her. (this was private, but i changed my mind.) (don't talk to people about it)
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I think I know who you're talking about hon, and if I do, I understand. But if not, I also have a friend like that. (plus I can be like that x.x) But anyway, if there's anything I can do, you can always be like, "Oh, I'm hanging with Jenn." and then call me and let me know, and if she calls I'll be like, "Oh, um, I have plans with Rachel, can I call you later?" lol But seriously, if there's something I can do, lemme know.