Day 4 of the pain and angst

oh yes, the wonders of dieting.... diet tip # 1: get up later than everyone in you family this means you will eat breakfast at around 10-10:30 therefore your breakfast will stay with you for longer than it would if you ate it at say... 7 Diet tip #2 : eat lunch at around 2-3. this will let you have food in your stomach until dinner Diet tip # 3: drink lots of fluids. if you drink lots of fluids, you will not feel hungry Diet tip #4: go on long walks. this is a good excuse to a) stay out of the kitchen &/or any other food source and b) get some exersize. Diet tip # 5: Stay busy. if you start to think about food... start doing meaningless tasks such as cleaning or reading a book. *see note* Diet tip # 6: if you get a cravings for food, paint you nails.. by the time you remove the polish, file your nails, repaint your nails and let them dry.. the craving will have subsided *Note: when choosing books, do not under any circumstances, read a book about food. this will a) make you hungry and crave the food you are not eating on your diet or b) make you feel guilty that you are on a diet and make you depressed this is what i have learned since wednesday morning.
Read 2 comments
I object. Reading a book is not meaningless.

ok, true, reading books are not meaningless, but it occupies my mind to the point of not thinking of anything but that