parents, dinner and not driving

Listening to: no hay
Feeling: abandoned
so, there were 4 shows this weekend. I figured i could go to at least 2 if not 3. So i figured out which shows to see on which days and such because i KNEW if i didn't plan ahead and tell my mom, she would say no. So i detailed the following schedule. 1) thursday- go to voice, get some dinner, go see brigadoon at Reitz (as i didn't have any hw on thursday night as i discovered on tuesday when i planned all of this) 2) friday- go home, nap, shower, go to see "dearly departed" at north. sleep more. 3) saturday- elite, hw, dinner aladin Jr. at OHMS (my middle school), come home 4) sunday(if i could get off babysitting at church on sun night)- church, hw, rumors at harrison, home more hw. Here's what's happened so far: 1) voice, home, no show, no hw, no fun 2) home, no nap, shower, dinner.. no dearly departed b/c dinner went long. So, i could still cancel babysitting on sunday, and at least see north and reitz (as i know 1 person in the entirety of the cast at OHMS). But no. projection for sat and sunday: 3) elite, hw, babysitting for the goshorns (next door neighbors who indirectly caused lack of play at NHS) 4) church, open house with NHS (nat honors, not north), hw, babysitting at church, home, homework. i don't get to see a single show that possesses company members that i know on a personal level. This really blows.
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