woo! entry!

Feeling: melancholy
well... here i am again.... 11 days later.. i went to louisville and lexington...... i got a mug/cup/etc and its nice and stuffs i now have a crap load of money that i CAN buy a ipod.. but i'm gonna be smart and save it until i at least get more money so then i won't be broke (i would actually have....*gets out calculator*..........almost 50 dollars.. but in compairison that's 12.87671ish % of what i have now... at least i think so.......iunno.... ok need to wash my hairspray out of my hair lata all
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miss rachel updated this blog .. yay!!!
who is this anonymous commenter who refers to me as miss rachel? i know of only four .. if not less... people who would call me that... which one are you ?^.^