scum on the factory floor

last night austin and i hung out....but i was sad cuz my mom made me come home at 12:30 so that really sucked! we hadnt chilled in so long and he is leaving for cali on wed!!!! plus its like less then a week till school starts again. i'm so mad! mom should let me stay out late right now! i have all the right excuses. its weird thinking a lot of my friedns are going to be out of school next year. why are we all growing up so fast? im scared! today i have to go to school to get my id card and my picture taken....ahhh....uhhh....i dont know what to do i'm feeling all weird, thinking about school makes me mixed up. im sick of the same people.... i want a change. i really wanted to go to a boarding school this year, for a change. but noooo, mom and dad wont let me, im just thinking if im going to be in school for only this year and next year then i should go try out different things while i still have the chance. parents are so closed minded. Image hosted by
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thx. i like urs 2.