im really proud of my journal i think it looks really good.
So i talked to matt wasn't as weird as i thought it was going to be. im kindof scared....i was all about the fling thing, and i knew i was just having fun, nothing serious. But now that i think about it, i actually have some feelings for him...maybe, and i know if i act like i do, i will just screw things up because ill just scare him, and i will seem like a clingy person. Maybe im the withdrawl....there are just no cute guys in calgary so im freaking out....i think thats it!....i will wait till i see him again maybe it will take time to find out how i feel.
god i hope he dosent read this.
the eels are great
same with yours, pretty sweet
good luck with figuring out your feelings.
What's cute, by the way (re: your comment to me)? I was confused.
interesting picture you got there
that photo in your entry is marvelous