send the poisoned rain down the drain to put bad thoughts in

Feeling: impish
The days go by so slow...I want him here now... I want to hug him and kiss him, and then punch him in the face for making me wait so long. 9 days. I know how I feel about the sex issue and I know I shouldn't be worrying about it because there is no need to.. not for a while atleast. I know who I am right now, and so does he.. but what if we change afterwards?.. he thinks he will because he's seen what it did to his friends... I know I'm not mature enough for it yet, and I still have a lot to think about the subject, but I just want to know where I stand on the issue... everytime he asks what I think about it, I can never tell him a straight answer because I just don't know how I feel about it. I promised myself I wouldn't do it until I was ready.. but what does that mean?... I don't even know what that means. It feels good to be with another virgin that doesn't preassure you... and I'm glad he thinks so strongly of it... The bad thing about it is, he's 18 I'm 17..we haven't seen eachother in 2 hormones and liquor... they don't mix.. haha.
Read 5 comments
I know what you feel. For the most part guys are stereotyped as being the pressuring type, wanting sex, but for those real deep relationships, it probably won't be an issue. As for people changing, well, some people change, but the people you really feel for can't change beyond what you like about them, or if they do, you can beat them back to what they were. 9 days huh? Same day as my girlfriend get's back! Hope all goes well! x
I'm having the same problems with the 'sex issue'. My hormones are saying one thing, but the rest of me isn't quite sure if I'm ready. Difficult being the age we are, eh?
aww..thats cool that you have someone like that..
dont get too worked up about sex, i mean unless youre saving yourself til you get married, because youll only get nervous, and that sucks.
How did it go? Better than mine I hope!

Mike x
hahaha well i love the way you contemplated that....and you know if i may say...if you dont knwo when your ready, you will because youll allow yourself and feel right about it. thats how i see it anyways. :)