::Be Thou My Vision::

Listening to: Be Thou My Vision
Feeling: humbled
I think this is the most amazing thing in the world. I'm kicking myself for not knowing her name, but she's blind and she's got a song on the radio and she's singing "Be Thou My Vision." A blind person singing about vision to God...that's amazing. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please tell me her name, I think it's amazing.
Read 27 comments
hard one because its not ur fault unless u surrond ur self with bad people like that. but u could always care for it but if u cant take it emotionaly dont take it out on a lving person give it up for adoption u dont have to always provide information i dont know who my parents are or what they did or why they gave me up
her name is jenny owens. but i am not sure if you spell jenny like that. But that is her name.

I love the colors and the stuff you write about, and yourwelcome. ^^
I love your diary, it rocks!
alright gotcha ttyl than nice meeting u
i do have to go for a bit though i will be back on later if ud like to say hi and id love to have more conversation with u u seem to be very smart. my aim is southbound606 and my email is southbound606@comcast.net or southbound606@cs.com
no im sry ive must of missed it i was ganna say something too but i think its kinda fun and neat how we have this as comments it makes me look special and also gets our opnions out to people who reads the comments
we do need to tell the french that they re being gay though
i agree about the french i think there goverment at least is being sheepish and cowerdish but i think boycotting french things is hard cuz half the time i dont know what im buying for exsample is frenches the mustard french or is wine from france a hundred percent french? i think this whole hundred percent shunning french to the point where we have to change fries to freedom fries is just as childish and nieve and emotion driven as gay rights we
i could almost ask u the same question where did u get the tree hugging from lol. well i think the same why too we have such a good suply of oil up in alaska. but its also expensive to get to it lying pipes and stuff plus nobody lives in alaska only in a few select cities ive even talked to a guy that lived there for most of his life he says they all live in cities and theres only like 3 of them up there anyways
what about those teenager christians in our school that alwasy talk about going to church and stuff but r nothing like christians in any way. my friends told me they go to church to repent and stuff and thats why they go because they need to repent but why rnt they catholic then ive not seen one good catholic person in my life they may be catholic but they all fall
what do u think about this whole iraq controversy and what about the 911 airport effect i like to call it or the bring ur book while u wait in line for baggage check
a very good argument is that wars always take along time to recover my grandma wants to pull troops out right now. but the truth is after ww2 i think it took several years to retrieve all our troops. do u think kerry had this whole thing planned to become president ever since he came out of highschool why would u want to tape a battle? why rnt u fighting in it. hes not being very humble.
but for those other people who just like to get abortions bc theyve been unresponsible keep ur legs closed.
im almost scared of kerry so many people r backing him up. i think hes a loud of crap any body can get the purple heart jump out in the middle of gun fire, there u go purple heart. thats just one of those media things that r trying to get him a good image. i trust bush lots people and my friends dont like him i just keep quiet. whats the deal with hienz katchup? i must of missed something important
Maybe the reason why people follow kerry is the exsact same reason i follow bush. because of ur parents the people ur around the people ur with. all u hear is their good stuff their strong arguments thats why i like to here both sides of the sotry sometimes. isnt kerry for abortion newayz? i think thats totaly wrong in the first place its a way out for ur sins and shows how unresponsible u are. but some people say what if u were raped thats a har
haha u know im half full of bs when i talk because im using words i cant spell full hardly lol its full heartedly or whatever lol sry if u cant read my things sometimes i mispernounse words as i type and spell them wrong always
lol i give things thoughts from both views trying to decide for myself what is the better outcome. o i dont know lol ive always wanted to discuss some of these harder topics with sombody that actually has a opnion too instead of saying what sombody else has said
But lets take a view point form kerrys followers why do they follow him why r they his sheep. i agree full hardly with ur ideas but lets think for sec what draws them in to kerry is it cuz he has a long face and he looks old so he s full of widom? is it cuz hes a "warhero" is it cuz he has a lot of money? what has kerry promised us that bush hasnt that has appealed to the people what has kerry acomplished before this presidentsy thingy.
what do u think ur ganna have to read this from bottom to top becasue it always leaves the most reasent comment first
now as i recall from sunday school days i think i might be wrong that man and humankind where sometimes used as the same thing but sometimes used totaly seperatly meaning man being boy and humankind being races
do u know about the churches splitting because of some allowing women into pastoral positions? some churches dont want to sound sexes or something and r letting them be priest and such and some are standing firm becasue in the bible it clearly says that man shall run the church
but isnt john kerry for gay rights. i think if gay rights come along the country will literally split in two. there will be the anit guys running around actually slaying and killing gays "purifying the country" and the other weirdos defending them by going on large protests.
the end of the world but they re wrong cuz nobody will excpect it when it happens plus everything should be at peace when that happens at least thats what the bible says well everything should be under a decent controle not totaly at peace i think
yea lol isnt that odd, about the gay thing that is. i do think being gay is immoral and wrong in every aspect not to mention disgusting. but i dont mind being around gay people as long as they dont touch me im fine talking to them and such. but the gays i know r really strong about rights too and they want theres this hole world is messed up. kids in middle school pregnent kids killing kids parents and other things. some people pridict that its
u know whats even weirder? it seems that every chritian i see is a george bush person prob bc bush is a christian too and every non christian is a kerry guy. let me clarify every real christians non of those fags i see at my church. im sure thats not all true about whos backing who but its what i have observed so far
You are so right u know what ive been thinking this whole time that hienz and huntz r the same thing and i was wrong huntz has a pickle lol the little things i dont pick up. lol but kerrys right katchup will solve everything including the meaning of life