
Feeling: so-so
So I haven’t quite been to many places. But I know enough from life experiences to know that no matter what you may have been through. You are still most likely to go through them someplace else. Just so you can go through the same mistakes, and learn from them. Am I making sense? hmm, I quite doubt that I am. Oh well. *sigh* So I’ve been wanting to write for the longest time. But I rarely have any time for that, and honestly I don’t quite know what to write anymore. I still get all these creative things rushing to my head. But I guess I don’t have enough space in my head to quite execute them and have it published out of my mind. As a designer you are trained to think out of the box, but while in school. Your teachers will lecture you to stay within the box confines because you are sill learning and its safe. All my life I have been playing it safe. Always did what the teacher wanted me to do, I always obeyed my father and my elders. As for respecting my mom, thats a WHOLE different story. But other than that, I have always done what I’ve been told, as best to my abilities. And honestly, I am SO sick of it. I want to start doing things OUT of the box. I want to break down the barriers and make some noise. But, is it really wise? I supposed not. But what the heck, right? Honestly, I don’t quite know where I stand anymore… or have I always been like this? I can’t remember. Yes, I have always been the ‘black sheep’ of my family. But now… I don’t know anymore. “/ Lately I have been having crazy dreams. Most of them evolving me going back to my ex. And it’s funny, even in my dreams, I can’t stand him, and I know that subconsciously… but I’m just settling for him. Well bad news for him, but good news for me. I know for a fact I will NOT settle for him. I love myself enough to know that I deserve someone who is capable of being there for me, to love me, to be the best he can be for me. And I in-turn will try to be the best I can be. It may sound simple in my head… But, again… I know better. Most guys (even girls!) are too lazy to try anymore. We all complain at least once in our lives about how we will never find that one and we will always be lonely. Sad, but that fact is. We are too lazy and think we ourselves shouldn’t have to work for it, that the other person should. What the hell happened to chivalry?! courting a love one? blah. enough ranting. gday.
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