hoop hoop!

Listening to: nothing, the tv is on
Feeling: cantankerous
by the way i have no idea what cantankerous means. so yeah, if you haven't noticed, i moved this journal thingy. and the only reason i'm keeping this up is because briana and others seem to enjoy it, why?, i don't know. so yeah today, math totally sucked, cause it's all this review crap from 9th grade, but at least i have bri in there to keep me sane. i definitely can't wait for tbs on nov 8. that will totally kick ass. noo matter what, even though i complain about it. and so will soco, can't wait for that either, and i will be relly pissed if they don't go to brockport on nov 15th. the end.
Read 6 comments
hey hot stuff!!
i'm glad u've talked about tbs in every entry!
ok its story time (read up from the bottom)..
once upon a time in a land far far away there lived a guy named felix. no one really knows where hes from but all they know is that hes...
got a crush on a certain german teacher. whos a lil wierd. she tells goofy stories about how cheap her shoes are and dead bodies behind hotels..
and says hoop hoop! but seriously, i love u a lot and hope that u enjoy these comments and yea. u should comment in mine. frau haas makes me laugh and so do u when u tell me all her stories. i also canNOT wait till tbs and soco (if they ever sign!) so yea. this is the end.

ilu like a fat kid loves cake!