nobody's right if everybody's wrong

Feeling: good
so kiddos, it's finally spring break. and guess what, i'm stuck home cause, well i have to watch danielle. i don't have much to say. track is good. it makes me feel like i'm in shape. even though i'm not. i'm so incredibly excited about the dance competitions and prom. for the next like four weeks i am incredible busy with mass amounts of just stuff to do to get ready for both. but i can't wait. so have this little quote from a good friend of mine. i thought it was funny, you might too: My philosophy is "When the chips are down it's time to dig deep and go for all the marbles and if that doesn't work maybe fake an injury or pretend you have somewhere else to be and then later claim that no one won cause you never finished and one of these days let's have a rematch but not right now because my shoulder is killing me." so yeah, there it is. and i have noting else to say. so stay classy webster.
Read 2 comments
i love you. too bad you never figured out who the anonymous commenter was. but it was me, i'll tell you flat out. love ya much! have a greaaaaat break!

ps nice italization ;-)